
I miss the Morningside experience!

I was first turned on to HG in the late 80’s at Aeolus in Groton, MA. A friend then brought me to Morningside and sunk the hook in deeper. I was there every flyable weekend (and lots that weren’t) for the next couple of years. Bought me an ’89 PacAir VisMkIV 17′ from Jeff Nicolay and flew my butt off the 450 like a madman. I fell for a local woman and kept getting back to The Cape just in time for work Monday mornings. We even drove up there from our house in Virginia, kids and dog in tow, to get married in a ceremony on the 450 launch hilltop (barefoot, flowers in hair) since we met at the park and it sounded romantic. I remember that the greatest thing about the scene there wasn’t the flying- it was the fliers. Camping at my favorite site. Firetrucks show up because the bonfire could be seen from Vermont. WAY in Vermont. Guitars and singing and the odd whiskey bottle making it’s way around the fire after the kiddies fell asleep. Sharing “There I was, thought I was gonna DIE” stories and laughing our butts off. Phil Haynes grabbing his set-up wing from the hangar and hobbling his way off the 450 into glass air way after dark- damn near invisible until his silhouette crossed over the Coke machine near the LZ. Seeing the same awesome people every weekend and looking forward to the next weekend coming. Having H3 skills but still having only a H1 rating because I was too busy having fun to bother getting tested.
Too much to be able to enter here, really, but you get the idea.

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